Friday, May 4, 2012

The Many Plans of Many Plans, One Community – The Local Plans Database

While community outreach efforts have been underway around the Charlottesville and Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan updates, TJPDC staff have also been reviewing a variety of existing community plans from the City, County and other local partners.  A total of 81 plans were reviewed during this process!  From these plans, just over 12,000 goals, objectives, strategies, and action items were compiled.  Additionally, a list of 224 tags representing key community issues and topics was developed and vetted by project partners.  Each of the goals was reviewed and tagged with relevant tags to create a searchable database. 

The Local Plans Database will significantly increase the efficiency and decrease the staff time requirement related to community plan reviews.  Instead of visiting 81 different plans individually, this compilation of community goals provides a one stop shop, allowing community stakeholders to quickly access goals related to the important issues in the region.  This resource can be used for everything from supporting funding applications to informing plan updates.  Stay tuned to for more to come…